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International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences (IJPHCS)
Open Access e-journal ISSN : 2289-7577


Anisa Binta Jamaika, Wiwik Rakhmawaty, Viko Darma Permana, auli Fisty Noor, Tri Yuni Kuswandari


Background: Attempt to reduce maternal mortality is ensuring the presence of health personnel, such as midwives or doctors during and after childbirth. Bondowoso district is one of the districts with high delivery assisted by non-health personnel in Indonesia. As an effort to improve the use of the service, the characteristics of users, such as their ability to seek must be known first.
Materials and Methods: This study was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. It was conducted in five sub-district of Bondowoso District and involved 100 women who gave birth at 2017. The variables of this study consist of four independent variables and a dependent variable.
Result: There were 91% of women who have not accepted health personnel. The culture in women's neighbourhood still didn't have trust on health personnel (23%). There were 66% of women who have not accepted the gender differences of health personnel. There was only a woman who had high personal autonomy. Most of the women (86%) chose to seek health personnel as delivery helpers. The results of correlation test showed that personal and social values, culture, and gender had correlation with women's seeking of delivery services by health personnel (p value < 0.05).
Conclusion: Personal and social values, culture, and gender had correlation with women's seeking of delivery services by health personnel. There were need to hold a wide range of stakeholders; to evaluate; to verify targets; and to integrate delivery services by health personnel with birth certificates services as maternal health program development solution.

Keywords: ability to seek health care, delivery services by health personnel, maternal health

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