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International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences (IJPHCS)
Open Access e-journal ISSN : 2289-7577


Muji Sulistyowati



Background: A school has a certain role and strategic standing to improve health by encouraging and promoting the health itself. One of the instances in urging health in a school is the availability of School Health Program, as it is labelled as UKS (School Health Units) in Indonesia. Many studies have pointed that UKS has not been implemented optimally. Only few of studies have examined the attainment of TRIAS UKS which constitutes as the principal program of UKS. Therefore, this study analyses the practical attainment of TRIAS UKS in several primary schools at Surabaya along with determinant factors which are able to affect the insufficiency.

Materials and Methods: This study refers to descriptive-observational study with cross-sectional type as the study design. The sample of the study is primary schools located in each part of Surabaya which is north, south, west, east, and center which has been selected by applying proportional stratified random sampling.

Result: As findings of the analyses reveal, there is a total of 71.7% for UKS has reached Optimal strata, 25.9% as Plenary strata of attainment, and the total of 2.4% on Standard strata.

Conclusion: The implementation of School Health Program in primary schools levels in Surabaya needs to be more effective and intensified.

Keywords: Performance, Primary School, School Health Program

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