DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (Qualitative Study in Banda Aceh City 2019)
Background: Violence against women is one form of violation of human rights and is an issue in public health. Forms of violence most experienced by women is violence in the household with estimates that 30% of women worldwide had ever experienced violence both physical and sexual by their partner. Domestic violence can have an impact not only on the physical and psychological victims, but also against sexual and reproductive health of the victims
Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative research with case study approach. Data collection techniques done with the in-depth interviews. Informants in this study were 4 female victims of domestic violence who report to the Integrated Service Center for Empowerment of Women and Children of the City of Banda Aceh (P2TP2A).
Result: The results showed that violence had a negative impact on reproductive health, namely the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies, transmission of sexually transmitted diseases as well as a waiver of the right to reproductive and sexual.
Conclusion: Domestic violence in natural informants have an impact on reproductive Health which includes the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion as well as the risk of transmission of STDS as well as ignoring the rights of reproduction and sexual
Keywords: Domestic Violence, Violence Against Wives, Reproductive Health